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Russian spy in critical condition

On 4th March 2018 Sergei Skripal, a former Russian intelligence officer, and his daughter Yulia were poisoned with Novichok nerve agent and were later found on a bench in Salisbury, causing them to be critically ill.

After this horrific attack, Theresa May today has taken action by the expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats as it is believed that the Russian state is behind the attack and is being investigated as attempted murder.

We interviewed one of our teacher’s views on this: Mrs Carter-Kitchingman said,

‘I agree that the 23 Russian diplomats should be expelled, because a stand needs to be made for future consequences.’

Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia are still currently in critical condition in hospital. The poisoning also caused a total of 21 people to fall ill having to receive medical treatment.

As a country, England seems concerned about this situation, considering Skripal previously worked for the British government.

This has left the students here at Neale-Wade worrying about what is to come for our country. The severe consequences are quite worrying and leave the question of what will happen to our country looming for the next generation.

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