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PM saves our pennies

By Heidi, Archie, Jack, Jake and Elle

Theresa May saves the day after beating bid to rid us of 1p and 2p coins.

England's beloved copper coins were saved by our hero Prime Minister, Theresa May. It all happened last night when she swooped in to salvage the iconic 1p and 2p coins. This was only 24 hours after Philip Hammond, Chancellor of the Exchequer since 13th July 2016, proposed that he wanted rid of the two coins from circulation. His plan for the future economy was denied by Downing Street, even though the Chancellor was on Hammond’s side; quoting that ‘coins were redundant and could be ditched.’ Downing Street maintained their beliefs and insisted the coins would be here to stay.

Downing Street must have took advice from the public and fellow Tory MPS as major outrage surfaces. Mrs Carter-Kitchingman, a teacher at Neale-Wade Academy (March, CAMBS) shares her views of this major event: “I believe we shouldn’t get rid of these coins as they are important to our everyday lives for example: using them for charities, they are detrimental to get rid of.”

Moreover, dominant charities such as RSPCA, have spoken out and said that abolishing these important staples (coins) would conclude in a loss of donations for these important organisations. They rely on people dipping into their pockets and donating their spare change. This is understandable as these coins add upand could play a vital part within helping out the country. Not only could this damage the larger charities but the smaller, less commercialised organisations may struggle even more. This is because most of the minor charities rely on these to survive and would be the hardest hit.

The strive to get rid of these copper marvels the Prime Minister’s official spokesman has made it definite that they will not eliminate the 1p and 2p from our everyday lives while she holds office.

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